Welcome-back message from Principal Barbato

Welcome-back message from Principal Barbato

Dear Families:

Hello, and welcome to the start of a new – and very different – school year.  Our return to school will be unlike any we have experienced before due to the continued presence of, and precautions related to, the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.  However, all of our preparations for the 2020-21 school year have focused on health and safety as our top priority, as well as delivery of an academically rigorous educational program whether your students attend school in-person or virtually through Google Classroom.

As I’m sure you know, the City School District has been devastated over the last two weeks with the news that the state will be withholding at least 20% of its school funding for districts statewide due to the economic impact of COVID-19.  For our school district, that will mean a loss of $20 million or more from our budget for the 2020-21 school year.  Due to the uncertainty caused by this massive loss in revenue, we are only able at this time to provide you with schedule information for the first two weeks of the school year.  We will provide you with information about the rest of September as soon as it is available.

In spite of these difficult circumstances, all of us at Eagle Point Elementary are looking forward to welcoming all of our students when the new year begins.

Our calendar for the first weeks of school has been built to include professional development, training and orientation that all employees, students and families will need to understand due to the many changes in place because of COVID-19.  Our first two weeks will be organized as follows:

Wednesday, Sept. 9: Principal Orientation (all of the Principal Orientations will be recorded and a link shared with parents after the live event).  

  • To log in and view the live stream, families will need to login to Google as Meet@albany.k12.ny.us and the password is: albany2020. 
  • 9 – 9:30 a.m.
  • 10 – 10:30 a.m.  

Thursday, Sept. 10 and Friday, Sept. 11 – Virtual orientation via Google Classroom (no in-person attendance)

TIME: 8-11:15 a.m.

NOTE: Students will attend only for certain blocks of time during this period.  Sessions will include orientation for students, and parents and guardians.  We are developing those schedules and will share them as soon as they are available.

 Monday, Sept. 14-Thursday, Sept. 17 – Virtual orientation and instruction via Google Classroom (no in-person attendance)

TIME: 8-11:15 a.m.

NOTE: Students will attend only for certain blocks of time during this period.  Sessions will include orientation for students, and parents and guardians.  We are developing those schedules and will share them as soon as they are available.

Friday, Sept. 18 – No school for students

Now more than ever, a successful 2020-21 school year for all of our students will require that we are “All in for Albany!” and working together to succeed with the new guidelines and procedures necessary due to COVID-19.  Please monitor SNN, district social media and ClassDOJO for additional updates and information.  We are working hard to get all necessary information to you as quickly as possible under these challenging circumstances. 

If you have questions about the new school year, please contact me at (518) 475-6825.