COVID-19 reminders for the holiday break

Portrait of Superintendent Kaweeda G. Adams

Dear Families: 

As we head into the holiday break amid the latest pandemic surge, we would like to take a moment to share a few reminders.

Our plan at this time is to return to full in-person instruction when we come back from break on Monday, Jan. 3. We sent students home with Chromebooks and chargers Tuesday due to our need for a distance learning day Wednesday. We also want to be prepared for the possibility that a spike in COVID-19 could require us to remain in distance learning for the first week in January. 

We would like to emphasize that that is not our plan. Yet, we will remain prepared.

As you know, continuity of instruction at all grade levels has been severely impacted since the start of the pandemic nearly two years ago. Our circumstances for Wednesday further emphasized this unfortunate reality. 

We know that in-person instruction is best for our students, and less disruptive for our families. Our goal as always is to have our students in-person whenever possible while balancing the ongoing need to pay attention to the health and safety needs of our entire school community. 

We will provide updates during the break regarding our plans for Jan. 3 as information becomes available. Please monitor our notification and social media tools, as well as

To that end, we need your support, especially through the holidays. 

This is a joyful time of year. I hope you enjoy these special moments with the ones you love.

As you spend time with your family and friends, please also be mindful of all COVID-19 health and safety protocols. When you have to go out or travel, please follow all mask protocols and maintain social distancing. 

If you or your children age 5 and older are not yet vaccinated, we urge you to get vaccinated if you are able. Health and medical professionals at all levels continue to emphasize that vaccination is the safest way to protect yourselves and your loved ones from this potentially deadly disease.

COVID-19 vaccines are safe, they are effective and they are available at a variety of locations in our community:

•     – New York State vaccination site
•     – Find a vaccination site near you, or call 800-232-0233  

Please also be sure you are pre-registered for COVID-19 testing. If you have not done so already, you can .

Your help in minimizing the spread of COVID-19 in our community during the holidays will allow us to be in position for a full return to in-person instruction in January. It also will allow us to enjoy many of the in-person school-based activities that add so much to our students’ educational experiences. 

Our best wishes for a very happy, healthy and safe holiday season!

Yours in education,

Kaweeda G. Adams