Important safety message from Dr. Dobbs

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The following message is from Dr. Stacy Dobbs, principal of Delaware Community School.

Dear Delaware Community School Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵɫ°æs:

Welcome to a wonderful school year! It has been great having our students back in the building. They are exemplifying the 3 B’s – Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible and are eager to learn! Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Included below are some important dates and new arrival and dismissal procedures.

Important Dates

Open House

Our open house will be virtual this year. It will be held on Monday, Sept. 27 at 6 p.m. More information and the link will be forthcoming. 

PTA Meeting

Our first PTA meeting will be held virtually next week on Wednesday, Sept. 22 at 6 p.m. More information will be forthcoming from our PTA president, Mrs. Mary Taylor.

Picture Day

Picture Day will be held on Friday, Oct. 8. Please look for a handout that will be coming home soon.

New Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Your student’s safety is our priority. Therefore, we have updated some of our arrival and dismissal procedures. Effective Monday, September 20th, the following procedures will be followed for your child’s safe arrival and dismissal at school.  In addition, you will find our procedures for early dismissal.


Students arrive through three separate doors in the morning based on grade level. There has been a change in order to speed up the process of temperature checks and getting a breakfast.

  • Main front door – Kindergarten, grade 5 and bus riders
  • Hurlbut Street – Prekindergarten, grade 2 and grade 3
  • Bertha Street – grade 1 and grade 4

Students eating breakfast will be given a grab and go bag and will be able to eat in their classroom.

Students should arrive on time to school!  The school day begins at 9 a.m. 


Kindergarten and first grade students will be picked up in a new location in order to ensure their safety.


  • Kindergarten will dismiss from the cafeteria doors on Bertha Street – please look for the signs
  • Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵɫ°æs should come to the door and provide the name of their student – please look for the signs
  • Kindergarten students will be brought to the door by a teacher
  • A teacher will verify who the student is going home with
  • Student safety is our main priority!

First grade

  • First grade will dismiss from the gym doors on Bertha Street
  • Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵɫ°æs should come to the door and provide the name of their student
  • First grade students will be brought to the door by a teacher
  • A teacher will verify who the student is going home with
  • Student safety is our main priority!

Dismissal time is 3:30 p.m.

Early Dismissal – Doctor, Dentist or Other Appointments

Children must bring a written notice to the school the day of an early dismissal. We are requesting that you do not pick up students after 3 p.m. due to our dismissal procedures.

When picking up your student, you will need to ring the buzzer, located at the front entrance to the building, and a member of the office staff will assist you. The office staff will bring the student to the front door for dismissal.

Thank you for continuing to be an active partner in your student’s safety. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time.