Volleyball celebrates seniors!

The volleyball team and coaches pose before a home match.

It was varsity volleyball’s turn to Thursday night prior to the team’s home match against Shaker.

Congratulations to our senior spikers:

  •          Tori Smith Wyld
  •          B'Unique Anderson
  •          Kendra Skervin
  •          Hayley Townsend 
  •          Kariana Boston
  •          Sydney Speanburg
  •          Nyla Barrow
  •          Rebecca Joslin

It’s always nice when seniors shine following their recognition ceremony and Sydney Speanburg (34 assists, 11 service points), Tori Smith Wyld (21 kills and 5 blocks) and B’Unique Anderson (16 digs, 3 service points) did – great job Falcons!

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